Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Our youngest participant, Georgiana
I am glad I have choosen the camp instead of doing something else. The workshops were very useful. I have learned what luggage do I need when going on the mountain, how to protect from risks, discussed about Red Cross Principles and motivation to be a volunteer, and cleaned Steaza Valley and Paltinis.
I have also enjoyed nights, staying together around the fire and joking... those were my favourites!
I was afraid to go into the water first, but then I really enjoyed it.
It was a special camp, with all the games and the activities, I won’t miss the next one for sure!
Oana's camp experience
The idea of leading the ecological activities and the participants in “Leaders for Tomorrow” 2008 Youth Summer Camp attracted me even from the beginning. I care for a clean nature, without polution, so I though “my own example will lead to theirs”.
We had some resistance from some participants regarding the activity of cleaning Steaza Valley, but, fortunately most of them enjoyed it and persuaded the others. Actually cleaning the garbage may be fun!
During the activity the tourists encouraged us, providing us with new forces to finish what we started. After two days of hard work, our purpose of cleaning one of the most famous touristic Valley of Sibiu County and building a strong team of participants was fulfilled. And what previously seemed mission impossible, now it was completed.
At the end of the camp some participants told me they want to multiply this activity back home.. Great! I can’t hardly wait the pictures :)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Think green, act red and read what you've missed :)
Between 3-10 August, in Rasinari, on Steaza Valley from Sibiu County, Romanian Red Cross Sibiu Branch and Colors Association, financed by Ministry of Youth - Local Department of Sibiu organized the 7th edition of a regular summer camp for youth volunteers.
This year, 50 youngsters between 14 and 35 years old, gathered together to learn how to be better leaders. They came from different places: Agnita, Bucharest, Hunedoara, Resita, Salaj, Tandarei, Tulcea and Sibiu to spend one week sleeping in tents, cooking by themselves and participating to interactive activities. The workshops challenged them to think and act, proposing different themes from ecological behavior and first aid to peer education and motivation to be a volunteer. The rest of the program was fulfilled by sports, games, a day program in Sibiu and social program around evening fire.
After 2 days of cleaning Steaza Valley from the garbage left by insensitive tourists, all the participants agreed that it's definitely better to prevent!
At the end of the project we would like to thank to our partner, Primaria Rasinari and to our sponsors: Albalact, Elio Prod, Extrasib, Simonis, Simpa, Tarpi, Toi & Toi, Metro Oil and Imperial Motors that help put our project into practice!
2009 camp is intended to take place at the beginning of August. Stay close, don't miss the news and don't forget: Think green, act red!