Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Rasinari, Sibiu, Romania, 31st July - 6th August 2006

Your summer plans include:
- Having fun together with other youngsters
- Interact with young people from other cultures
- Develop your leadership abilities
- Escape for at least a week from daily routine
- Find new ways of using your artistic abilities
- Learn how to collaborate best with members of your group
- Learn how to teach others
- Learn how to cope with crises/disasters
- Visit a medieval-looking city
- A week of interactive games and workshops

If you ticked several or all of the boxes above, The International Youth Summer Camp "Leaders for Tomorrow " is just what you are looking for! If you are aged 16 to 26, can handle English, are dynamic, creative, interested in intercultural learning and also have a good potential of developing new projects in your organization don't waste any more time: ask for the registration form on the e-mail address: crsibiu@yahoo.com by June the 15th.

Workshops to attend: how to motive volunteers, art club, peer education projects, disaster management. Camp language: English. Tour visits of Sibiu, Rasinari and medieval citadel of Cisnadioara included.

Beware! Don't forget your tent, your sleeping bag, your sport outfit and your plates or you will get more adventure than you bargained for! Bring a homey feeling with you and provide us with food and drink specific for your region along with information materials.

In case of more participants as expected, we will make a selection according to the motivation, gender balance and organizations' diversity.

Participation fee:
- Romanian Red Cross volunteers - 35 RON
- Romanian Youth NGO's volunteers - 50 RON
- volunteers from abroad - 50 EUR

Monday, May 15, 2006

this is from last year :)

Which workshop to attend??

Tough question! There are 4 workshops, all very interesting and very interactive! See their description below, and if you still have questions, ask us :)

How to Motivate Volunteers
The engine of a civil society organization are the volunteers. They offer their time and enthusiasm to different projects for the benefit of the community. During this workshop we will discuss about the motivation of the volunteers, and find creative ways of attracting and maintaining them. In the same time we will learn how to develop long term relationships.

Art Club
Drama in education is the topic of this workshop. We are expecting creative participants to brainstorm on the advantages of dramatic tools in educating children, youngsters, adults or elderly people and experiment them.

Peer Education Projects
This year we are disscussing about peer education related to drugs prevention and violence among youngsters: how to deal with these topics and how to use our creativity in developping effective projects for our peers.

Disaster Management
Disasters are becoming a reality of each day. Attend this workshop and you will learn how to face a disaster… if there is no potential disaster… then you will learn how to survive on a mountain area.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Testimonials from previous camps :)

I've learned that we are equal!

Once I'm back in my organization, I will implement many of the games I've learned here to motivate my colleagues.

I've learned to listen to others' opinions.

It was interesting to learn by having fun.

I've learned to be part of a team and a leader :)

We used art to better know each other and become friends.

We shared ideas and discuss on different topics.