I've learned that we are equal!
Once I'm back in my organization, I will implement many of the games I've learned here to motivate my colleagues.
I've learned to listen to others' opinions.
It was interesting to learn by having fun.
I've learned to be part of a team and a leader :)
We used art to better know each other and become friends.
We shared ideas and discuss on different topics.
I went to this kind of camp 3 or 4 years ago and it was really nice. It was my first Red Cross camp. I met great people: Claudia Popa, Roxana Paraschiv, Oana Bacanu and ex-boyfriend :) (but not only)
This year i had a problem and i couldn't come to Sibiu and i regret it.
So...if you read my comment...don't miss this camp. Sheepy from Tulcea
This summer the sky and the fields in Rasinari were breathing joy parfume.The cloudes were happy and that way it didn't rain,the sun was briliant and ours faces with a big smile.It was a camp for all peoples who wanted to learn important things,fun and friendship.It was extraordinary and i hope next year to come back in the same place:could water but full of our fun,green fields with our's hoppe's,shiny camps next big three's and most important the emblem of Romanian Red Cross more proude than ever!Thak's Sibiu for this camp it was great!
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