Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Think green, act red

The 7th edition of "Leaders for Tomorrow" Red Cross Youth Summer Camp is about to welcome its guests!

Between 3-10 August, in Rasinari, Sibiu, Romania, youngsters all over Romania (and who knows, maybe from other European countries), between 15-25 years old are about to enter a marvelous experience of living one week in the mountains, debating on subjects that matters to us today (ecology, risk behaviors, peer education, first aid), cooking and sharing some great time together.

We expect participants that are over 15, involved in daily projects within their Red Cross Branch/ youth organization, active, able to use correct both Romanian and English and eager to live one week under the free sky. Of course, you will bring with you your tent, sleeping bag and proper clothing (take into consideration that weather is changeable without prior notice).

Camp fee: 50 RON (Romanian participants), 50 EUR (European participants). It has to be paid in our bank account after confirmation of selection and is not refundable.

The application form has to be sent on crsibiu@yahoo.com by 30th June! Selection will be over until mid July.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not fair for the foreign people to pay more than the Romanians.
THINK about it.