Dan from Sibiu says: "Being honest... it was the first time when I went in a camp, I didn't know how it would be, but as a surprise for me, it was wonderful! I can say I've learned some new things in every field that the camp was bassed on (workshops). As a second advantage, I found new people who, during the camp, become my true friends. I can't wait the next summer when the camp takes place again and we meet again (I hope so :)) and have another full drink of Frutissima"

Andrei from Baia Mare says: "In the workshop I've attended I've learned a lot of new things. In the first part we've learned how to survive in the wild with no food and water, hot to build a shelter and how to hunt. After that we've learned about disasters in general, how to react and how to save people from the danger. We've learned tips about how to atract sponsors. I will use what I've learned in the years to come because I will be in the disaster response team. I think everybody should learn about disasters because you can save a lot of lives."
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